Where is all the bloody tea?
The bloody tea I cannot see.
This bloody tea, it taste like mud.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.
This cooker I was bloody sold
not work! My curry bloody cold!
This bloody bastard sell me dud.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.
This bloody dog piss in my garden!
No-one say “I beg your pardon”.
I kick the kutta with a thud.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.
The cow is holy! Sacred too!
But all they bloody do is moo
and poo and chew the bloody cud.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.
My brother, he is bloody gay,
a different man each bloody day.
This gandu think he is a stud.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.
This bloody bhanchod down the street,
his wife? I see her eyes and feet
only, and now he want my blood.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.
This bloody river full of shit,
but people still take bath in it!
The bloody Ganges always flood.
Bud bud ding ding, bud bud bud.