Friday 19 April 2019


Goodbye, Bankerland, oligarchic orgy club,
Slav-spanking lebensraum, yellow-starred Beelzebub.
Hello, Democracy!

Goodbye, Fourth Reich sweeping nations into coffins,
England is more than a bureaucratic province
and once again, we’re free!

Goodbye, hipsters with your funky hats and latest
smartphones, mouth-farting that the working class is racist,
this country’s ours again!

Goodbye, Scotland, if your centuries of scuffles
for freedom mean shunting your capital to Brussels.
Good luck with that, my friend.

Goodbye, Ulster, if your liberty-statute
is a shamrock squashed beneath a Rothschild’s jackboot.
Kiss the status quo.

Goodbye, London, if money is your god,
the dollar sign your flag, your credit card your sword.
Your soul died years ago.

Get stuffed, spoilt teenagers with your microseconds
of experience, telling your grandparents you reckon
their love of freedom is hate.

Shut the fuck up, all you champagne-leftist puppets
howling “No to Democracy! Yes to a flab-bucket
capitalist superstate!”

Shut your shitty gobs, you wannabe rebels
all siding with government, the banks and the devil’s
favourite corporations.

Hello, Switzerland, Norway! They tell me sincerely
that you’re racist too! And that you’re not really
European nations.

Hello again, George Orwell and the old-fashioned lefty,
goodbye to your robot-drenched nightmare which is every
yuppie globalist’s dream.

Hello, Grexit, Swexit, Czexit, Frexit! Your dictators
are dropped into the saucepan like shaven potatoes,
then devoured with cream.