Sunday 13 October 2019

Clerihews 3

Adolf Hitler
was peeved that Germany was littler
than Russia, but Luxembourg was the littlest.
And it was on his hit list.

Joseph Stalin
would have said, if he’d been a Feminist, “I’m not your darling,
you patriarchal poo-bag.
Go to the gulag.”

Margaret Thatcher.
Who would dispatch her?
Perhaps those who wanted to drag England snoozing and snoring
into a globalist whores’ ring.

Horst Seehofer,
Merkel’s illuminati gofer,
the Bavarian without balls, the eunuch
of Munich.

Mikhail Gorbachev
called Russia’s Communist mortgage off
and let America throw its debauched
degenerate orgy on the front porch.

Markus Meechan
had his life shredded by our virtuous beacon
of justice, for training a cute
little puppy to do a Nazi salute.

Danny Baker,
fired from the BBC propaganda-maker
for comparing Prince Archie to a chimp,
apologised like a wimp.

John F Kennedy
had a glimmering remedy
for the coming fascist global tangle,
so he was shot in the head from an unlikely angle.