Wednesday 7 August 2019

Letter to the Polish Government

To whom it may concern.

Please forgive my lack of Polish. I am a British immigrant to your country. I prefer to consider myself a refugee. I have lived in Poland for ten months now. I left Western Europe because I could no longer stand their insane immigration policies and increasingly absurd political correctness.

I am worried about the future of Poland. I see your wonderful country as being in danger of falling to the same ideological sickness that the West has fallen to. Political correctness, which is a kind of neo-Marxism, is growing in Poland, especially among the young generation.

Make no mistake, Political Correctness – including multiculturalism, white guilt, affirmative action, anti-patriotism, and obnoxious extreme Feminism – is indeed a new kind of Marxism. It is “Cultural Marxism”. This, as I see it, is the biggest threat to your country.

Your country has already suffered massively under 45 years of Marxism. You do not want anything similar to this to ever return to your shores. This new ideological disease can destroy your country, as it has already destroyed mine. The people of the West are mentally ill.

In my opinion, the most important thing the Polish government needs to do is to ban leftist indoctrination in universities.

I strongly recommend that you do this in your second term of office.

Some people will say that there must be intellectual freedom, there must be freedom to read and discuss whatever ideas may exist. But the problem is that these ideologies are being taught in universities as though they are fact, as though they represent the truth. They are not taught in a balanced or neutral way. There are extreme leftist indoctrinators in Polish universities, just as there are in Western Europe. Young Poles are being indoctrinated, right under your noses.

Can you imagine if Nazi ideology was being taught in Polish universities? Would this be acceptable? Of course not. So why is far left ideology any different? Marxism is arguably worse than Nazism. It has caused more deaths throughout history.

I am pleading with you, as a citizen of a dead civilisation, to make sure that your beautiful, proud, decent country does not end up like a Western European country. You must ban far left indoctrination in universities. Otherwise your society will become sick and collapse, just as ours is in the process of doing.

Yours with the deepest respect,

Alfie Shoyger