Friday, 19 April 2019

Wake Up, Children

Wake up, children, wake up! And wipe away those dreams.
The time for sleeping’s over. Your world’s not what it seems.
Wipe away that guiltpride, those virtue exhibitions,
the smug, myopic slogans, the “I’m leftwinger than you” competitions.

You see those left and right wings? They’re steered by the same bird.
Wake up, children, wake up! The squawks are getting loud.
It’s shitting down the windows, it’s pecking like a beast,
it’s swooping down the hillside, it’s dragging sheep away to feast.

Wake up, children, wake up, you brave and fiery soldiers,
it’s time to fetch the shotgun. It’s time to face that vulture
and trap it in the crosshairs, and smash it into capon
in a blazing riptide. For town and tribe and kin and nation.