Friday, 19 April 2019

To Postsummer

Yeartime of fog and plusgood plenty!
Good comrade of the olding sun,
withspeaking it how to bring
fruits onbranches roundhouses
and bend mossful trees byapples,
filling all fruits inwise with growfulness,
to grow planttops and nutfleshes
goodwise inwise, to plusgrow and
doubleplusgrow postsummerwise flowers
ante bees think warm days unwill stop,
as Summer upfills warm cells.

Who unseed you pluswise in your store?
Sometimes who outsees finds you
sitting unthinkful onfloor inbreadhouse,
your hairs upgoed softwise bywind
or sleeping on a halfdigged landheap
sleepifyed byflowersmell as your hook
unknifes elseheaps’ roundgoing flowers;
and sometimes farmerwise you hold
your filled head over unbig rivers
or next appledrinkmachine you see overhours
postest drinkdrops with unproceeding face.

Where are Antesummer’s songs? Where are they?
Unthink them, you have your music andwise.
As clouds grow the softending day
and colour rough fields redwise,
then in shoutful songcrowd, insects unjoy
in rivertrees upbringed or downing
as the soft wind lives or unlives;
and fullgrowed young sheeps fromhills noisify,
bushinsects sing and redbirds
doubleplussoftwise noisify backhouse
and brownbirds crowd and sing insky.