The modern eunuch doesn’t prance
through banquet-halls of kings and queens,
but around the trendiest bars and galleries
in a pair of skinny jeans.
The modern eunuch never doubts
that “Feminism” means “Equality”.
He gave both balls to be accepted
by the nutcracker-wielding sorority
and won a blow-job for his trouble.
Nodding along to what he’s been taught,
he indoctrinates himself with such gusto
he’ll never beget an original thought.
The modern eunuch is better than you.
He’s just better. And cleverer. And more left-wing.
He apologises for noticing breasts,
for possessing desires, for everything.
In the twenty-first century Western world,
the modern eunuch does not question
that businesswomen and bankeresses
are under the jackboot of male oppression.
The modern eunuch lets the word “wanker”
but not “slut” or “darling” pass.
He himself is the son of a banker.
He’s never met the working class.
He’s never befriended a Pakistani
or someone with thick lips and hair in a frizz,
yet he knows well how racist you are,
how racist the white man always is.
The modern eunuch has never heard
of the Mughal Empire or the Arab slave trade.
He doesn’t need to. He knows that the white man
did every genocide, every crusade.
The Mongol hordes have slipped his mind,
like the Ottomans and imperial Japan.
The modern eunuch hates all things
inspired by the sexist pale-skinned man
(he types this onto the Internet
with his laptop or his telephone,
while munching a pretzel or sipping Czech beer
on the omnibus or locomotive home,
where he’ll listen to Beethoven or the Beatles,
or read some Tolstoy, Hawking or Marx).
The modern eunuch is a chihuahua
that barks and barks and shits and barks.
He rages against “populism”
with a self-rewarding sneer,
since giving the people what they want
is a dreadful political idea.
The modern eunuch wants a world
where borders are annihilated.
It doesn’t bother him one dust-speck
if his country gets invaded.
But if an invader rapes his sister,
he won’t sit back and take the hurt!
He’ll raise a sword against chauvinism
by marching in a miniskirt.
In such a fatally trouserless
environment as now and here,
there’s millions of mouths around
and not one single fucking ear.
The modern eunuch is the end.
Nothing throbs beneath his vest.
If we don’t poison this poisonous cunt,
he’ll be the downfall of the West.