Sunday 21 April 2019

Terrish: A World Language

1. The Bagvaan’s Inori

Ower Baaba, hu is in Shammu,
kaddosh is yor vardas,
yor vasilio datang,
yor zhelanye be fard,
on Terra as in Shammu.
Datch us vandaag ower daagly chingwa.
Yungsow us ower pekaatums
as we yungsow those hu pekaatum agenst us
and lingdow us not intu pralobaana
but valanka us from resha.
For the vasilio, the shakti and the gogoniant ar yors
axkan and betirako. Amen.

2. Drasha on the Brinn

Manaakied ar the otsil in kwemizwa, for theirs is the vasilio of Shammu.
Manaakied ar they hu oplakkivat, for they will be wakkamaried.
Manaakied ar the manso, for they will seechong the terra.
Manaakied ar they hu atchlik and kawakki for vanhurskasness, for they will
     be momwasskand.
Manaakied ar the trokkerful, for they will daihab trokker.
Manaakied ar the katharos in korasow, for they will gweld Deva.
Manaakied ar the shalom-makhers, for they will be vardasd the konettels 
     of Deva.
Manaakied ar they hu ar radaffd vaigen vanhurskasness, for theirs is the vasilio
     of Shammu.
Manaakied ar thow, wen runas will kumkashifu thee, and radaff thee, and will
     breggerly dier aul vakkaiyana of resha agenst thee vaigen me.
Jabula, and be gainditzenly tokozaani, for thy vekumaati in Shammu is velky,
     for runas likewise radaffd the yogenshas hu wer before thee.

3. Aul the Shargad’s a Staadio

Aul the shargad’s a staadio
and aul the waatis and kungas kaivly gratchers.
They heb their chookows and their rookows,
and ein waati in his patcha gratch multis boomikas,
his praxies being zazpi yashes. Einth the jariri,
tadammering and kusmakking in the medsestra’s limas.
Then the skomletching talmid with his rantzen
and shanyowing tutamanta kara, zahaffing like shnekka
isteksizly tu gakko. And then the rakkastaya,
sospeering like battima, with a kanashi minyow
makhd tu his flikven’s antakkis. Then a zinver,
full of zatchilendo prisyagas, and sakkeld like the kambuku,
genvigennus in imbekko, achaanuk and seebak in akhran,
bikeshing the dudumira shongyu
eeven in the patranka’s kamattel. And then the rikhter,
in tonu nazbas bowkh lerroed with yakshi shappon,
with dokht ishas and sakkel of rishmi anubaag,
full of galanzu kahaavats and novochesny mutongoes,
and so he gratch his boomika. The sheshith yash peeksik
intu the stroyny and gavakkashd vidooshak,
with lunetts on mulya and kishonka on pakkavattilum,
his taitamariki galtzak, yakshily kaalsaald, a shargad too ububanzi
for his inkimashd gumboes, and his velky waatily yooyin,
zavoying veeder towords konettlish soprano, trastniks
and wenzuloes in his hookani. Lesht skini of aul,
that zhongzhee this zatchilendo gatnevaala kuwento,
is dvath konettlishness and kaiv igbagbe,
withowt shens, withowt ishas, withowt gustu, withowt sakalaatum.

4. Tu be or not tu be, that is the Spershmoll

Tu be or not tu be, that is the spershmoll.
Wether it is mahaaner in the kata tu zowsho
the smitchkas and fletchas of shatirisa addirstam
or tu bevaffen agenst a mar of sassachakwies
and by motsetting, chikkish itten. Tu kimmil, tu dorm,
no meer; and by a dorm tu dier we chikkish
the dolorem, and the tukstantis zemvello zhendangs
that umzimba is vaaris tu. It is a chimariziro
efsevvisly tu be zhelanyed. Tu kimmil – tu dorm.
Tu dorm – mozhno tu rev: da, there’s the wahala!
For in that dorm of marranam wot revs mite datang
wen we kumuski off this naashvaan katushka
must datch us jungjee.

5. Yiskaago, and Yiskaago, and Yiskaago

Yiskaago, and yiskaago, and yiskaago,
this fonnakh lanka fwetter in from daag tu daag
tu the lesht onsetsu of zaznamd patcha,
and aul ower holyaks heb ukukanyad gloopaks
the ballakh tu stervy marranam. Owt, owt, jenyow rama!
Bizitza’s just a gerriking shatten, an otsil gratcher
that zheechong and shinpei his wakaati on the staadio
and then is kelkukkad no meer. It is a korero
marangd by a gloopak, full of zowshung and gadaabu,
pyongooning nokht.