Friday, 19 April 2019

Antifa, Just Die

Antifascist Fascists, anarchist Nazis,
establishment rebels, state-funded army
of globalists burning down your own back yards
with your “Old white people, just die!” placards,
you scream and howl for more and more genocidal jihad
as Europe staggers blindly from overdose to rehab,
you drag the liberal left right round with your Stalinist control
so that the political compass becomes the political toilet roll.

You’re the chief lemming on the cliff,
you’re a weasel befriending a jaguar,
you’re Merkel caught in her strings, or Quisling
simpering, “Ho! Ho! My lord, what a wag you are!”

“Not all Muslims are terrorists!” you splutter,
but “Every Eurosceptic England-lover
demanding we respect democracy
and everyone who disagrees with me
is racist sexist white supremacist scum!”
Antifa, just die. When the nationalists come,
you’ll be dead anyway, when the floodgates break
as the Saxons, Vikings, Celts and Franks awake.

You are the tapeworm in a wolfhound’s stomach,
you are the brownest shade of red.
You’re the virus rotting Stephen Hawking,
you’re the ice-pick in Leon Trotsky’s head.