Sunday 21 April 2019

All of my Opinions

Just look at all these privileged white male proletarian imbeciles
who can’t use grammar properly! Just listen to their simple squeals
about how they don’t want their daughters ravished by a grooming gang!
Reactionary as the King of Auschwitz or the Kuomintang!
They disregard the gender wage gap! Nobody can stop them
from whinging about terrorism like it’s a real problem!

All brainwashed by the right-wing press! Indoctrinated minions!
(even though the TV trumpets all of
my opinions)

These ignorant racist racist ignorant racists are so stupid,
they don’t know Muslims walked this land before the Danes or Jutes did,
that Zulus built Stonehenge or that transsexuals built Avebury,
that Alfred the Great was a lesbian or the Welsh invented slavery!
They’re all so racist, ignorant and racist that they don’t know
it’s wrong to wear an Indian hat or look at a kimono!

All brainwashed by the Murdoch Empire’s vast white male dominions!
(even though our teachers trumpet all of
my opinions)

Just listen to these privileged uneducated white male
working-class non-liberal scumbags’ not-remotely-bright wail
about how bureaucratic superstates do not bring freedom,
droning about “nationhood” and “loyalty”! Such boredom!
How dare they fail to do and think and vote as they were told to!
How dare they have identity, emotion and a soul too!

All brainwashed by the far-right fascist establishment in their millions!
(even though the BBC and the Guardian and Financial Times
and the British government and all the main political parties
and the American president and Tony Blair
and the big banks and multinational corporations trumpeted all of

