Friday, 19 April 2019

A British University Student Reacts to the Dalai Lama’s Statement that there are Too Many Migrants in Europe

Who is this fascist Dalai Lama prick?
This ungoodthinkful racist xenophobe,
this far-right chauvinist thoughtcriminal,
spreading hateful hate speech round the globe?

Dark skin good, white skin bad.
Some people are more equal than others.

Who is this sexist, privileged male wanker,
this doubleplus politically incorrect
islamophobic turd suggesting migrants
should be counted, tested, looked at, checked?

Penises bad, vaginas good.
Some people are more equal than others.

I can see his vision of Nirvana!
The skins of all its citizens are pale,
a bunch of oldthinkers who all speak Oldspeak,
vote for Brexit, read the Daily Mail!

Islam good, Christianity bad.
Some people are more equal than others.

This deviant must be stopped and banned and silenced,
he needs to be arrested and then cured!
Let’s force a course of gender theory on him,
to make him, just like me, morally pure!

Insulting Muslims racist, insulting Christians clever.
Some people are more equal than others.

For I, you see, am doubleplus unracist,
unlike this Nazi Dalai Lama scum,
and I will lead the world to a new glory,
where differences of thought are overcome!

Muslims a race, Christians not.
Some people are more equal than others.